The aim of this workshop is to learn the basic skills of traditional wet felting, using natural and colourful sheep’s wool fibers, warm water, soap and friction.

You will:
● learn to felt a flat piece e.g. a little picture,
a felted piece for a brooch or a felted flower
● experiment with colours and design
● take home a unique piece of hand made felt.
At the end of the workshop you will have your own felted items and have learned a new and traditional skill.
Please bring 1 towel and a plastic bag for your finished work.
Cost: £5 including material
Please feel free to invite your friends!
Workshop facilitator: Laryna E. Wuppermann, Fiber craft artist
Please book asap, as places are limited
GalGael office: 0141/ 427 30 70
Venue: Galgael, 15 Fairley Street, G51 2SN Glasgow/Ibrox
Please check out Laryna's blog